Saturday 30 September 2023

Forthcoming 2024

In order to have the Magri's English Corner updated, a new section named FORTHCOMING 2024 will redirect you to a new SITES :)

The new Magri's web will contain 4 main sections:






Per tal d'actualitzar el Magri's English Corner, una nova secció anomenada FORTHCOMING 2024 us redirigirà a nous SITES :)

El nou web de Magri's English Corner constarà de quatre apartats principals:





Wednesday 5 October 2022


 Des de sempre m'ha agradat escriure, fins i tot, quan era alumna m'agradava fer les típiques "compositions". Ara ja fa uns anys, he trobat la manera per mantenir el "gust per a l'escriptura". I de fet, està ben relacionada amb la meva tasca docent. Em dedico a escriure articles sobre l'ensenyament de la llengua anglesa en el meu temps lliure i alhora estan enfocats per a què serveixin per Formació del Professorat. La veritat és que sempre he cregut en la importància de compartir materials i experiències. Per aquest motiu, penso que deixant les meves pràctiques inèdites d'aula per escrit algú les podrà aprofitar i així, realment contribuim entre tots els docents fem xarxa entre nosaltres.

Aprofito, també, per presentar-vos la web del meu Grup de Treball ICE-UB el qual s'encapçala per la coordinadora Ana María Fuentes. Des d'aquest mateix link podreu accedir als volums 1-15.

A continuació, us deixo el llistat dels articles publicats fins ara i així, els podeu consultar quan vulgueu.

Espero que us agradin i que en pugueu treure força idees ;) "To share is to care"

- A Project for Broadcasting TV News in the EFL class  (Vol. 9)

- Ethical Values and EFL animation clips for Seventh Graders (Vol. 11)

- Learning English through Virtual Reality: A 10th Grade Project (Vol. 13) 

- An Interdisciplinary and Augmented Reality EFL Project for 7th Graders: An Online Cinematographic Merge Cube Exhibition (Vol. 15)

Assessing Readers Without Taking Tests I: Preparatory activities and Resources  (Vol. 16)

Assessing Readers Without Taking Tests II: Sequencing of the Unit  (Vol. 16)

Thursday 15 April 2021


Our high school called Vilatzara, located in Vilassar de Mar (Barcelona), has worked on a cross-curricular project in Grade 11 using CoSpaces. It has been developed from Maths, English and Arts subjects and it consists of creating a Merge Cube so as to experiment augmented reality. 

The starting point has emerged from Jesus Arbués, the CoSpaces Ambassador in Catalonia, who suggested me to use the Cube somehow in the EFL classroom. Personally, I considered it to be a great idea because I am very into new technologies and my students are even more digital than I am. Therefore, I linked the Cube Merge with the unit I was teaching about cinema and as a result, I asked my students to prepare a film report using the Cube Merge. There is an article posted in the school’s website about the first lesson of this project: 

In order to elaborate the cinematographic cube, the students prepared a Google Drive document first with the most relevant aspects, for instance, title and film genre, plot, characters description and their opinion. Then, once the text is corrected, the students transferred the important information in each of the sides of the cube using CoSpaces. In fact, Jesus came to school so as to offer a practical workshop on the web and students really enjoyed it. It was very useful because students realised they could also add text in English, in this case, as well as recording their own voice. Some of my students were already familiar with CoBlocks because they had previously worked with Scratch in 6th Primary, so it was not very difficult for them to develop the given task. 

Besides, the project aims at fostering students’ written and speaking skills since at the end of the teaching sequence there is a specific section where students present their own productions. Once the teacher has generated the QR codes for each of the students’ cubes, these are posted in the walls as if they were in a museum exhibition. At this point, students explain their films and finally, assessment also takes place so as to obtain feedback by means of specific rubrics. 

Last but not least, this project has been so engaging for our students that they have also prepared material for the Open Days at Vilatzara’s High School, in particular, aimed at Primary students. 
Here you can see some of the material created by the students themselves: 

For the time being, there are some photos available in the website of our high school and after summer, the description of this project will be published in a digital magazine from University of Barcelona. 

Ester Magrinyà

Thursday 25 June 2020

UD 9. Teen trends: step by step!

Did you get all of the puzzle pieces?
If so, congratulations for your hard work during the course!

Your Teen Trends magazine is already available!! Click below:

Wednesday 20 May 2020

UD 8. Hurray, it's a holiday!



Students work cooperatively. We call it STATIONS and we complete a ROUTE DIARY according to the activities we have worked on.